Radno vrijeme: 9:00 – 15:00 h

Gorička cesta b. b.

BiH – 80101 Livno





3. međunarodnog trijenala grafike Livno

/lipanj – listopad 2023./

 Organizator trijenala


Franjevački muzej i galerija Gorica-Livno organizira 3. Međunarodni trijenale grafike Livno koji će se održati od 26. lipnja do 1. listopada 2023. godine. Povjerenstvo za organizaciju Trijenala predviđa i organizira posebni prateći program. Uz glavnu izložbu Trijenala priređuje se prateći program koji može uključivati izložbe eminentnih grafičara, simpozije i tribine o aktualnim pitanjima. Prateći program 3. Međunarodnog trijenala grafike Livno je izložba Lukše Peka.


Izložbeni prostori

Trijenale će se održati u prostorima Franjevačkoga muzeja i galerije Gorica-Livno, Gorička cesta bb, 80101 Livno, BiH


Propozicije prijave

Pravo sudjelovanja na 3. Međunarodnom trijenalu grafike u Livnu  imaju svi umjetnici iz Bosne i Hercegovine i inozemstva pozvani od strane organizatora Međunarodnog trijenala grafike Livno. Autori trebaju poslati dva recentna djela nastala prema zadanoj temi trijenala. Tema je: Granice slobode/Limits of freedom. Uz rad potrebno je dostaviti prijavnicu i životopis. Preporučeni format je max.70×100 cm.

Zastupljene su sve tehnike dubokog, visokog i plošnog tiska. Neće se uvažavati monotipije, fotokopije i fotografije.

Sudionici Trijenala po pozivu dostavljaju svoje radove osobno ili putem pošte uz popunjenu prijavnicu u Franjevački muzej i galeriju Gorica-Livno, a sudionici iz inozemstva šalju svoje radove poštom na adresu: Franjevački muzej i galerija Gorica-Livno, Gorička cesta bb, 80101 Livno, Bosna i Hercegovina.

Radovi se šalju bez okvira i zaštićeni debelim omotom, prilagođenom za vraćanje autoru na kraju manifestacije.

Organizator trijenala ostavlja autorima mogućnost darovanja svojih djela Franjevačkom muzeju i galeriji Gorica-Livno  u svrhu formiranja trajne grafičke zbirke.

Trošak poštarine snose sudionici natječaja, a trošak povratka radova snosi FMGG-Livno.

Najkasnije dan prije dostavljanja radova, autori su obavezni e-poštom popunjenu prijavnicu u Word dokumentu poslati na adresu: trijenalelivno@gmail.com

Uz prijavnicu je potrebno dostaviti 2 kvalitetne fotografije svakog rada u visokoj rezoluciji za tisak s podacima (ime, prezime, naziv rada, godina, autor fotografije) putem elektronske pošte.

Radovi bez potpune dokumentacije (prijavnice i životopisa) neće se razmatrati.

Organizator zadržava pravo izlaganja bez okvira u skladu s novijom suvremenom izlagačkom praksom. Autori koji prihvate poziv za sudjelovanje na Trijenalu odgovaraju za istinitost i točnost prijavljenih podataka za katalog. Podaci će se preuzimati iz popunjenih prijavnica. Organizator ne preuzima odgovornost za netočnost prijavljenih podataka. Organizator zadržava pravo reduciranja biografija sudionika sukladno dogovorenom obujmu i obrascu kataloga.

Radovi bez potpune dokumentacije neće se preuzimati. Pozivamo Vas da radove uz prijavnicu i kratku biografiju pošaljete na: trijenalelivno@gmail.com najkasnije do 31. siječnja 2023.


Osiguranje djela

Organizator prihvaća odgovornost za osiguranje djela u toku trajanja izložbe. Organizator ne snosi odgovornost za oštećenja nastala tokom transporta i povrata radova.


Uvjeti izlaganja

Organizator će osigurati prostorne uvjete standardnoga izlaganja grafika.

Umjetnici se obvezuju poštivati zadani prostorni i vremenski okvir u suglasnosti s autorima postava Trijenala.

Popis umjetnika koji će izlagati na Međunarodnom trijenalu grafike Livno  objavit će se na Internet stranici FMGG-a Livno www.fmgg-livno.com


Obveze organizacijskog tijela Trijenala

Organizator imenuje Povjerenstvo za organizaciju i Povjerenstvo za dodjelu nagrada.

Organizator se obvezuje u skladu s pristiglim sredstvima izdati katalog dvojezično (hrvatski i engleski). Autori prepuštaju Organizatoru pravo na reproduciranje radova za katalog, dokumentaciju i u propagandne svrhe, bez naknade. Autori imaju pravo na besplatni primjerak kataloga. Organizator se obvezuje izložiti 2 rada svakog umjetnika prema koncepciji autorskog tima koji postavlja izložbu Trijenala.



O izboru nagrada Trijenala odlučivat će Povjerenstvo za nagrade Trijenala. Povjerenstvo Trijenala će dodijeliti tri nagrade (Grand prix, Nagrada županije i Nagrada grada), otkupne nagrade i posebna priznanja.


Povrat radova

Organizator je dužan nakon zatvaranja izložbe, ukoliko ih autori ne odluče darovati Muzeju,vratiti radove umjetnicima.

Radovi iz inozemstva bit će poslani samo poštom. Troškovi osiguranja u transportu / PT / i troškovi posebnog rukovanja pošiljkom idu na teret autora.


Prihvaćanjem poziva za sudjelovanje na 3. Međunarodnom trijenalu grafike Livno sudionik prihvaća propozicije ovoga natječaja.



Franjevački muzej i galerija Gorica-Livno

Gorička cesta bb., 80101 Livno

Bosna i Hercegovina

Tel/faks: 00 387 34 200 923


Za sve informacije i pitanja:




3. International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno

/June to October 2023/


 Organiser of the Triennial


The 3rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno is organised by the Franciscan Museum and Gallery Gorica-Livno and will be held from June 26th to October 1st 2023. The Committee for the organisation of the Triennial foresees and organises a special accompanying program. In addition to the main exhibition of the Triennial, the organised accompanying program may include exhibitions of prominent graphic artists, symposia and public discussions on current issues. The accompanying program for the 3rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno is the exhibition of Lukša Peka.


Exhibition spaces

The Triennial will be held in the spaces of the Franciscan Museum and Gallery Gorica-Livno, Gorička cesta bb, 80101 Livno, BiH.



The right to participate at the 3rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno have all artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina and foreign countries invited by the Organiser of the International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno. The authors should submit two recent works based on the given theme of the Triennial. The theme is: Limits of Freedom. In addition to the work, it is required to submit the application form and CV. The recommended format is max.70×100 cm.

Permitted are all techniques of deep, high and flatbed printing. Monotypes, photocopies and photographs will not be considered.

The participants of the Triennial by invitation, submit their works in person or by post with a completed application form to the Franciscan Museum and Gallery Gorica-Livno, while participants from foreign countries submit their works by post to the address: Franjevački muzej i galerija Gorica-Livno, Gorička cesta bb, 80101 Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Works are sent without frames and protected with a thick wrap, adapted for the return to the author at the end of the event.

The Organiser of the Triennial offers the authors the possibility to donate their works to the Franciscan Museum and Gallery Gorica-Livno for the purpose of forming a permanent collection of graphics.

Shipping costs are borne by the contest participant, while the return shipping costs are borne by the FMGG-Livno.

Application forms are available in electronic form on the FMGG-Livno website.

No later than the day prior to the submission of works, the authors are required to e-mail the completed application form in a Word document to the address trijenalelivno@gmail.com

Along with the application, it is required to submit 2 quality photographs of each work in high resolution for printing with relevant information (name, surname, title of work, year, and name of photographer) via e-mail.

Works without complete documentation (application form and CV) will not be considered.

The Organiser reserves the right to exhibit without frames in accordance with newer contemporary exhibition practice. The authors who accept the invitation to participate in the Triennial are responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the submitted information for the catalogue. The information will be retrieved from the completed application forms. The Organiser assumes no responsibility for the inaccuracy of reported information. The Organiser reserves the right to summarise the biographies of the participants according to the agreed volume and form of the catalogue.

Works without complete documentation will not be accepted. We invite you to submit your works, together with the application form and a short biography, to the address trijenalelivno@gmail.com, until the 31st of January 2023.


Security of the Works

The Organiser accepts the responsibility for the security of the works for the duration of the exhibition. The Organiser bears no responsibility for damages caused during transportation or return of the works.


Exhibition Terms

The Organiser will provide the spatial conditions of standard exhibiting of graphics.

The artists are obligated to respect the given spatial and time frame in agreement with the authors of the Triennial exhibition.

The list of artists who will be exhibiting at the International Triennial of Graphic Arts in Livno will be published on the website of the FMGG Livno www.fmgg-livno.com


   Obligations of the Organising Body of the Triennial

The Organiser appoints the Organisation Committee and the Award Committee.

The Organiser is obligated to issue a bilingual catalogue (Croatian and English) in accordance with the received funds. The authors grant the Organiser the right to reproduce the works for the catalogue, documentation and promotion purposes without compensation. The authors have the right to a free copy of the catalogue. The Organiser is obligated to exhibit 2 works of each author according to the concept of the author team that sets up the Triennial exhibition.



The choice of awards of the Triennial will be decided by the Award Committee of the Triennial. The Committee of the Triennial will grant three awards (Grand prix, County award, and City award), purchase prises, and special recognitions.


Return of Works

The Organiser is obliged to return the works to their authors after the closing of the exhibition, unless the authors decide to donate their works to the Museum.

Works from foreign countries will be sent by post. Insurance expenses in transportation / PT / and expenses of special handling of the shipment shall be borne by the author.

By accepting the invitation to participate at the 3rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno the participant accepts the propositions of this contest.



Franciscan Museum and Gallery Gorica-Livno

Gorička cesta bb., 80101 Livno

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel/Fax: 00 387 34 200 923


For more information or questions:

E-Mail: trijenalelivno@gmail.com